Gender Inclusive Housing

全球网络赌博平台致力于培养一个包容的环境,让来自不同背景的学生可以学习, work, and serve together harmoniously. Embracing diversity enriches our campus, 我们致力于通过积极欢迎差异和促进不同身份的尊重对话来确保每个学生的成功, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language, culture, nationality, religion, age, and disability.

In light of this commitment, 我们很高兴在Maroon Hall和Campus View提供性别包容的住房选择, 允许所有性别认同和表达的学生住在一起.

  • Resources
  • How to sign up for gender-inclusive housing

    You must complete the Housing Application 并表明你对性别包容住房感兴趣.

    • 作业可能会根据学生的需求、申请日期和可用性而有所不同. 如果您对性别包容的房间感兴趣,请发送电子邮件至 . As with all living spaces, 鼓励学生尽早申请和要求性别包容住房.
    • 如果您对这个过程有任何疑问,或者想讨论您的兴趣或偏好, please contact the housing office at or 517.990.1392.
  • Gender-inclusive housing values and rules


    • Respect for affirmation of gender identity and/or gender expression.
    • Attention to student’s physical and emotional safety and health.
    • 性别包容的住房只适用于Maroon Hall和Campus View.
    • Once a room or suite is designated as gender-inclusive, it will remain gender-inclusive for the duration of the academic year. In the event of a vacancy, 住房办公室将首先安排一位同意住在性别包容空间的人来填补空缺.
    • 学生不会被自动安排在性别包容的房间或套房. Being assigned to a gender inclusive suite is an “opt-in” only option.
    • 全球网络赌博平台宿舍生活鼓励学生在选择性别包容的住房之前与父母/监护人讨论性别包容的住房选择. However, 所有年满18岁的学生都可以签署自己的住房合同,没有明确的书面同意,不能与父母/监护人分享信息.
    • There is no price penalty for gender-inclusive housing.

Frequently Asked Questions















Gender inclusive housing agreement

性别包容住房提供了一个欢迎所有性别认同的生活环境的机会,而不限于传统的性别二元. This environment allows for same-gender, opposite-gender, non-gender, 或者其他性别认同的人,不管生理性别,在柏拉图式的环境中作为室友同居,以获得身体和情感上的安全和支持.

学生可以选择与父母或家庭成员沟通他们是否决定住在性别包容的住房中. 居住生活鼓励父母或家庭成员之间就这一选择进行讨论,以便对生活环境有一个了解.

Notes to consider:

  • 希望与不同生理性别的人住在一个多套房的学生必须使用这个协议和程序.
  • All suitemates must sign this agreement.
  • Once a room or suite is designated as gender-inclusive, it will remain gender-inclusive for the duration of the academic year. In the event of a vacancy, 住房部门将首先安排一个同意在性别包容的环境中生活的人来填补空缺.













Roommate Request(s)

所有室友必须完成并上交性别包容住房协议. 在下面签字表示您同意本协议表格上列出的程序和政策,也同意住宿生活政策.


Student Name:
Signature: Date Signed:


Student Name:
Signature: Date Signed:


Student Name:
Signature: Date Signed:

Student Name:

Signature: Date Signed:

          请填妥《全球网络赌博平台》,并将本协议交回宿舍工作人员 或21111埃蒙斯路,c/o住房,杰克逊,密歇根州49201申请住房..